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Perfect like the photo and it came in one month, despite covid. Thank you!
really really good quality!! looks just like the real one and is v accurate. It even has the engravings on the clasp. It's such good quality that it's heavy and realistic. The metal is very clean and fresh and the coloured part looks very realistic and not tacky!! shipping was v quick too despite the covid delays! took approx 2.5weeks. Would definitely recommend x
really good quality replica. its so pretty in real life and I'm really happy w my purchase! it's quite heavy and realistic and it got to me fairly quickly despite Covid19 shipping delays. It took approximately 2.5 weeks. The necklace itself looks very accurate. The pearls and silver and diamonds look beautiful and the clasp and clip are very well done with the brand logo engraved and everything!!!! sooooooo worth it
Perfect and even with the jewelry pouch and it came only in one month!! The best Thank you so much!!!!
Parfait ! Arrivées en 1 mois, pareil que sur les photos ! Très bonne qualité !
Reçu en 1 mois, de très belle qualité ! Identique à la photo !
C’est arrivé en un mois, très très beau modèle, comme sur la photo !De très bonne qualité !